Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Before browsing our website, we request our clients to go through our privacy policy which is mainly designed for their safe visiting. If you don’t feel comfortable with our privacy policy, you are requested not to visit any of our pages.

Welcome to the page that we, at Jim Corbett Travels, dedicate to the safety and security of every client that we consider to value us. Before you start browsing our website, we request you have a look at our privacy policy and agree to it so that your interests remain safe. However, if you find something disagreeable, then we would like you not to visit other pages of this website.

Privacy of the Website:

This Privacy Statement is also meant for the safety of our website as it shares some invaluable information in the interest of the visitors. However, we would like to inform you that we keep on revising our privacy statement without any prior intimation. So, we request all our visitors to keep an eye on the page to stay updated.

Information we collect from our visitors:

We look forward to getting the following information for smooth communication from time to time:
  • Name of the visitor(s)
  • Contact information, including email address, and phone number (WhatsApp number, most preferably)
  • Demographic address, including PIN/ZIP code
  • Other information depends on special situations/ requirements!

How do we use your personal information?

We use it entirely for personal use and to maintain a better relationship with our clients. We need this information to share various offers and other relevant things that we come up with from time to time. There is no force or compulsion on any of our clients to accept them. Everything is their decision.

Sharing Individual Details:

We are committed not to sharing personal information with anyone. However, we would seek your written permission if we need to share that information with some agencies depending on legal formalities. We are committed to protecting your information at any cost!
